Study Abroad
With SageVision Bhutan
We provide:
- Visa Support
- Education and Career Counselling
- University application and enrollment
Our services
Course and Career Counselling
We help you choose the most appropriate course matching your interest, ability and work experiences and provide options for enrollment into various top ranking universities in Australia
University application and enrollment
Having decided the course, we assist you in lodging and obtaining enrollment offers from respective universities/colleges. Successful enrollment would mean submission of all requisite documents and information by clients to us.
Visa Application Assistance
We fully assist our Clients with lodgment of formal student visa with DIBP after receipt of complete document from Clients.
OHSC – Overseas Student Health Cover
We guide our Clients to choose the most cost effective OSHC which is also one of the main requirements for lodgment of student visa.
Medical booking assistance
We assist with medical assessment booking in respective countries
SAGE VISION Bhutan is a registered and licensed Education Consultancy and Placement Firm (ECPF) based in Thimphu with an affiliate office in Canberra, Australia. We offer high quality counselling and career guidance to students and individuals seeking to go abroad to enhance their skills and academic qualifications.
SAGE VISION Bhutan is founded and managed by a qualified team of professionals based in Bhutan and abroad and provides:
- Accurate and up to date information about universities and institutions
- Counselling on the colleges, course selection and fee structure
Enrollment - Visa facilitation and travel support
Our Value Proposition:
Founded on our core values of Service, Excellence and Respect, we will ensure to:
- Provide our services in the minimum turnaround time
- Facilitate transparent and accurate information
Study abroad